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Multiple Pictures are allowed in Comments!

Subject: IPMS-Seattle Blog

The IPMS blog initially did not allow any pictures to be posted in comments. So if you wanted to post a picture relating to the post topic, you had to create an entirely new post.

Then a plugin was added where you could add a picture to a comment, but it would only allow one picture to be added, which made it inconvenient if you wanted to post a half-dozen pictures in a comment.

NOW, the IPMS-Seattle website has a new-and-improved comment plugin that allows a logged-in registered user to post up to 15 pictures per comment, and guests can post up to 5 pictures per comment.

The trick to this plugin is that all of the pictures that you add to your comment are placed below your text – you cannot place pictures within your text like you can in a regular post.

To add multiple pictures, place all of them into a folder on your computer, then underneath the comment text box and the Post Comment button, press the button that allows you to select images. Select all of the images that you want to include by using the SHIFT key to select multiple contiguous files, or use the CTRL key to select files that are scattered within a folder. (For more help on selecting multiple files, please ask your 10 year-old grandchildren. 🙂 )

Published inClub-Related